About Us

Terms and Conditions
Nexmove Platform Recruitment Company Limited

These Terms and Conditions ("Website Terms and Conditions") are intended to set out the scope of use and access to the Website, including the use of various services provided by Nexmove Job Sourcing Platform Co., Ltd. ("Nexmove") through the Website. These Website Terms and Conditions are intended for anyone who accesses the Website or accesses it for any other purpose, whether it be a job seeker, advertiser, visitor or other user ("User").

By using or accessing the Website, you understand and agree to be bound by the Website Terms and Conditions. If you do not accept the Website Terms and Conditions, in whole or in part, please discontinue using or accessing the Website.


means this website (https://www.nexmove.io) and any related applications.
means a user of the Website who uses the Website to advertise job openings, job postings, or advertisements in various forms.
"Job Seeker"
means a user of the Website who uses the Website to find job openings and apply for jobs.

1. Job Application Information

In using the "Website" service, "Job Seekers" may upload or submit personal information or other information related to job applications (including resumes) ("Job Application Information") through the "Website" for the purpose of finding work. "Job Seekers" acknowledge and agree that the disclosure or submission of Job Application Information through the "Website" constitutes a grant of permission to "Nexmove" to store the "Job Seeker's" Job Application Information in "Nexmove's" system. "Advertisers" who subscribe to the "Website" service may be able to access Job Application Information stored in "Nexmove's" system for the purpose of evaluating, selecting, and offering suitable jobs to "Job Seekers". "Nexmove" will not disclose "Job Seekers'" Job Application Information to "Advertisers" without the "Job Seeker's" consent. "Job Seekers" have the right to delete or edit their Job Application Information at any time. "Nexmove" will use Job Application Information for the purposes and within the scope set out in the Privacy Policy.

In accessing the Job Application Information in "Nexmove's" system, "Advertisers" agree to use the Job Application Information on "Nexmove's" "Website" only for the purpose of evaluating, selecting, and offering suitable jobs to "Job Seekers". "Advertisers" will not use the Job Application Information on "Nexmove's" "Website" for any other purpose or allow any other person to access the Job Application Information. This includes not copying, downloading, storing, or performing any other similar action in order to store or use the Job Application Information outside of the agreed-upon service. If such a case occurs, "Nexmove" will not be responsible for the use or privacy of the "Job Seeker's" Job Application Information. "Nexmove" also has the right to claim damages, including fines (if any), arising from the violation of the "Terms and Conditions".

2. Advertiser content

The “Advertiser” acknowledge and agree that “Advertiser” solely responsible for the content they advertise through their “Advertiser” accounts, including any other content they publish through the “website”. “Advertiser” will use the “website” only in a lawful manner and for the purpose of using the “website” services. “Nexmove” reserves the right to delete or edit content or any other use, including the right to suspend or terminate service to “Advertiser” at Nexmove's sole discretion. If the Advertiser's content or use of the “website” is illegal, infringes the rights of others, or does not comply with the “website” 's terms and conditions or the terms of the service, the “Advertiser” agrees and acknowledges that the “Advertiser” has no right to claim fees or compensation in such cases. If “Nexmove” deletes or edits the advertising content or suspends or terminates the service to the “Advertiser”, “Nexmove” may refund the fee in proportion to the usage to the “Advertiser” concerned.

3. User account

Users acknowledge and agree that any transactions, use, or use of any services made through the user's account are considered to be actions by the user and are binding on the user.

Users agree to exercise caution in maintaining the authentication data for accessing the user account for accessing the "website", such as login name, password, or other data that may be used to access the user account (if any) and will not disclose such information to any other person. The user is responsible for keeping such information confidential and secure. The user will notify the company immediately if there is unauthorized access to the user account. “Nexmove” will not be responsible for any damages arising from such cases.

4. Limitations on the use of the service

Users will use the "website" only to the extent specified in these "Terms and Conditions" and agree to comply. Users warrant that the information and details provided to "Nexmove" are true and correct.

"Nexmove" reserves the right to terminate the service to users without prior notice if users do not comply with the “Terms and conditions” of the website or any other agreement with "Nexmove". Users have no right to claim any damages.

If the user is under 20 years of age or not yet of legal age. Users must obtain consent from their legal representative to use “Nexmove” services.

Users are prohibited from using any data extraction programs on “Nexmove” (Screen Scraping), data mining (Data Mining), robots (Robots) or similar data gathering techniques to create, maintain, further develop, or reproduce data. available on “Nexmove” for any other use. Except with prior written consent from the company.

5. Intellectual property

All content displayed or disclosed through the "Website" (whether it be data, text, images, graphics, design, logos, software, source code, or other content) is the intellectual property of "Nexmove" or "Nexmove" has been authorized to use or display such content is protected by intellectual property protection, whether it be copyright, trademark, patent, or other intellectual property law. Users acknowledge and agree that they will not copy, reproduce, transmit, modify, publish, decompile, edit, reuse, or exploit in any other way the content displayed or disclosed through the "Website", including not supporting or inducing third parties to do so, except in cases where the user has been authorized under the terms and conditions of "Nexmove" or any other agreement.

6. Connections to other websites

For the convenience of users, the "Website" may display links to other websites which "Nexmove" cannot control the content of such websites and "Nexmove" is not involved in any way. "Nexmove" will not be responsible and does not endorse any content of other websites. Users must be careful and take the risk of clicking on links to third party websites.

7. Scope of responsibility

The user acknowledges that “Nexmove” does not guarantee that it will operate or provide services without errors or malware, and “Nexmove” does not create or post all content displayed through the "Website", such as advertising content, jobs, job applications, or other content. “Nexmove” presents such content through the "Website" on an "as is" basis and does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or reliability of such content. Officers, directors, employees or agents will not be liable for any damages caused by such content. The appearance of such content on the "Website" does not constitute an endorsement of such content by “Nexmove”.

The user acknowledges and agrees that the user is at risk of accessing the content displayed through the "Website", including accessing other websites through "Nexmove". The user will assume all risks by himself/herself. The user will be responsible for the consequences of his/her activities through the "Website", whether it be the accuracy of the job application information, advertising content, communication, or other activities that the user performs through the "Website".

"Nexmove" reserves the right to monitor the content displayed through the “website”. "Nexmove" may delete or edit data and content, including restricting user access to the “website”. If "Nexmove" considers it to be a violation of the “Terms and conditions” of the website, it is not true, it violates the rights of others, or it is a violation of the law. It depends on the discretion of "Nexmove" alone.

8. Compensation for damages

The user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless "Nexmove" and any other person who has been damaged, arising from the use of the "Website" by the user, including but not limited to damages, liabilities, costs, expenses, including litigation expenses. Which such compensation does not waive any other rights of "Nexmove".

The user acknowledges and agrees that "Nexmove"'s liability to indemnify the user from all claims related to the use of "Nexmove" services is limited to direct damages, limited to the fees "Nexmove" received from the user in connection with the service that gave rise to the claim.

9. Partial invalidity

Each of these website terms and conditions apply separately. If any terms and conditions are invalid or unenforceable, whether in whole or in part, the unaffected portions of these “Terms and Conditions” will remain in full force and effect and enforceable.

10. Governing law

The “Terms and Conditions” of the website and the use of “Nexmove” for disputes arising out of or in connection with the use of “Nexmove” will be governed by and construed in accordance with Thai law.

11. Changes to conditions

“Nexmove” has the right to change, amend or update the terms and conditions of the “website” at any time at the Company's discretion. Such changes will be effective only after they are announced through the “website”. Users agree that in such announcement “Nexmove” has given adequate notice of any changes to the website “terms and conditions”.

12. Contact Information

12.1. Inquiries about the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website and Services of Nexmove Platform Recruitment Co., Ltd.

Please contact us at (+66) 2716 1747 or email enquiry@nexmove.io

12.2. Inquiries about Personal Data Protection of Nexmove Platform Recruitment Co., Ltd.

Please contact DPO: Ms. Jariya Boonpitakstatit at +66 2716 1747 or email enquiry@nexmove.io 
Remark: In case of any discrepancy between the Thai and English versions, the Thai version shall prevail.